America no longer looks like a world leader

The United States is supposed to be the leader of the free world. That’s what nearly everyone has thought since shortly after the end of World War I and that’s what many people still want to believe, even if they are not vocal in their support of America.

The leaders of Arab nations, for example, would never praise the U.S. publicly because they have an image to uphold with their people. But if any of their neighbors starts to develop a nuclear weapon (i.e. Iran), they come running to the U.S. with no hesitation whatsoever to ask for protection.

America used to be a strong leader, but President Obama has done everything possible to shrink the influence of the U.S. around the world and to damage our reputation. His actions have cost us plenty both at home and abroad. In a recent poll, a majority of U.S. voters said they believe we are still in a recession, that terrorists are living in their hometown and that the Obama Administration’s handling of the government is incompetent.

Doesn’t exactly sound like a ringing endorsement for a country that’s supposed to be the world leader, does it? But that’s what we’ve sunk to. Until we get a leader in the White House who has a sense of history and who understands the direction we should be taking as a nation, it’s just going to keep getting worse.

Here are some specifics from the recent Fox News poll:

  • 60 percent believe it is likely that terrorists are living in their hometown.
  • 60 percent believe the U.S. is still in the recession that began in 2008.
  • 53 percent believe the Obama Administration has not been “competent and effective” in managing the federal government.
  • 55 percent disapprove of Obama’s handling of ISIS.

What are your opinions on those four subjects? I’d love to hear from you about this.


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